The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
Four children, Peter,Susan , Edmund and Lucy Pevensie, are evacuated from London during worl war 2, and settled with an elderly Professor in a large country-house.
The children explore, and Lucy, the youngest of the children, climbs into a wardrobe and finds it leads to a snow-covered land. She meets a faun,Tumus, who tells her that the land is called Narnia, and that it is ruled over by the ruthless White Witch, who ensures that it is always winter. As he puts it, "Always winter, but never Christmas, think of that!"
Lucy goes back through the wardrobe, which returns to normal, and is unable to convince the other children about her adventure.
Lucy goes in the wardrobe and she sees herself in Narnia.
Several weeks later, she re-enters Narnia, and Edmund follows. He fails to catch up with Lucy, and instead comes across the witch, who seduces him with magical turkish delight and promises of power. She persuades him to try to bring the other children to her castle.
The witch departs, Lucy arrives, and both Lucy and Edmund return together through the wardrobe. Out of cruelty, Edmund will not admit to the others that Narnia is real.
Finally, circumstances lead all four children to hide in the wardrobe, and they soon find themselves In Narnia. They discover that Tumnus has been captured, and the children are sheltered by a pair of talking beavers namedMr.Beaver and and Mrs.Beaver. They recount an ancient prophecy that when two Sons of Adam and two Daughters of Eve fill the four thrones at Cair Paravel, the witch's power will fail. The beavers tell of the true king of Narnia—a great lion called Aslan—who has been absent for many years, but is now "On the move again."
Edmund, still in the thrall of the witch, runs away to find her. His absence is not noticed until it is too late. Realising that they have been betrayed, the others set off to meet with Aslan.
Edmund, meanwhile, reaches the castle of the witch. She treats him harshly and, taking him with her, sets off to catch the other children.
You wrote the summary really good eventhough you wrote more than you had to, watch out from writing to fast that you miss letters!
Dear Patrizio,
You did a very good job even though you wrote too much. Good Job!!
Your friend France.
Very nice entry. Check for the length though...
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