Doctor Smell and the cabinet of Smells
This book talkes about a boy that smelt every day and he was ossesionated by this because everybody joked on him.
So when he was in Junior high and he went to get a profume and from that day on he always had a lot of profume and everybody joked on him for his profume.
A girl in the middle school said him: YOU SMELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
During the first day of the last year at the beginning of the day he wasn't smelling like he was like the last year so at the when the day finished everybody went to him and asked him how he did, and he said: I just started washing my self all the days two times.
The next day he came to school al stincky and the nicest girl of the school went to him and siad that she was very impressed on how he changed, but he was swetting and sweetting that he started smelling very bad abd at the end the girl ran away and he needed to put all the profumes again to not smell very bad because even washing himself every day two times he was smelling of sweet.
At the end he went to a Doctor and the doctor said that it was a genetic issue and that he wasn't the first child that had this in his genetics.
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